When you cull your basket of time you are decluttering your life and giving yourself a vital energy boost. Why do I say that? Well, finding time to reach your goals, or to make your dreams a reality requires that you make choices about your time and your priorities. Sometimes this can be quite difficult.…
Take a Walk Around the Lake — Deepen into Yourself
What does it mean to deepen, and why is it important? It might seem counterintuitive, but finding time to pause and reflect always enhances your productivity and boosts your energy. Indeed, the simple act of taking a small break and a deep breath is rejuvenating. Why is that? It has to do with your energy, I…
Nurturing Spaces – Make Your Ideal Real
Nurturing spaces offer opportunities to ground and energize yourself. And you can easily create these spaces so that they are there for you wherever and whenever you need them. Last week, in my post titled Nurturing Spaces Expand Your Possibilities I shared about the ways that the spaces you create can affect your experience and…
How to Create an Enriching Morning Ritual
Every morning, I engage in a ritual that I have evolved over the years. This adds immeasurably to the quality of my day, and to my productivity, as well. Would you like to experience your own expansion of possibilities? Well, here are some of my favorite ideas and tips.
Self-Care is Vital! 5 Rituals to Soothe, Energize and Find Time
Self-Care is key to your success and satisfaction no matter what your goals and responsibilities may be. Indeed, life gets way too busy. So busy, sometimes, that you may feel like you don’t have time to take care of yourself. But that’s a big mistake!
Clutter Taking Over? Garden Wisdom to the Rescue!
Clutter, whether it’s littering your closet, your computer, or your calendar is a huge time and energy drain! It adds a layer of confusion and stress to everything in your life and it’s a stumbling block that keeps you from attaining your goals. It keeps you from even SEEING your goals sometimes!
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