Finding time is all about saying No to one thing to say Yes to another, as I often say. The No that you say to one thing is what actually makes your Yes to something else possible, and meaningful. It’s all about how you make your time choices. So, let’s pause for a moment. How…
Find Time and Courage to Move Ahead by Letting Go: 3 Timely Tips
Find Time to Adjust to Aging – Just Ask Paula!
Finding time to get everything done is always a challenge. And it’s a challenge that can be heightened as we adjust, each of us, to our own aging processes. How do you adjust to aging? Is it an issue that you grapple with? Aging in Oklahoma Here’s a timely question that we recently received from…
Finding Time Boundaries Will Help You Surf the Net AND Have Time with Family
I read an article this morning by Barbara Ortutay, reporting on a study conducted out of the Annenberg Center for the Digital Future. The study results underscore the impact of the digital revolution on our family lives. The Annenberg Center for the Digital Future at the University of Southern California is reporting this week that…
Find Time to Understand An Important Twitter Change
Finding time to keep up with the latest on Twitter isn’t just a matter of keeping up with the Twitterverse. It also involves keeping up with changes in Twitter itself – and with the evolution of Twitter-related tools and applications. On Thursday the blog TwiTip featured a post by Jon Reid about how Twitter is…
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