The 12 Day Secret is all about time and self-care and really assimilating, right down to your toes, that the way to live your moments fully is to be your own very best friend! So, taking the theme of the 12 Days of Christmas, I’ve created the 12 Day Secret! It’s a secret that
Find Time for the Amazing Adventure That Comes Your Way Every Single Day
Finding time to welcome the adventure of each new day is one of the best ways I can think of to transform your relationship with time. If you step back and think about it, it’s striking that we give ourselves the gift of celebrating newness so infrequently. Once a year doesn’t seem nearly enough to…
Finding Time and Success with Small Steps!
Finding time to plan, implement, and sustain success strategies is a process. It involves both seeing your big goals and following through on the incremental steps. Those are the small steps that carry you from where you are to where you want to be. In my recent article on titled Time Management Tips –…
Finding Time to Welcome Your Seasonal Chores
Seasonal chores come and go like clockwork. So, it is expected to be scorching hot here in the Northeast today — the hottest day so far in this new season. Did you find time to put your winter clothes away before the temperatures hit 90° this year, or did you get caught wearing wool? Your…
Finding Time as You Start Thanksgiving Week
I hope the start of this week finds you rested and looking ahead to a warm and happy Thanksgiving. A quick survey of my Facebook and Twitter friends reflects a certain level of pre-Holiday excitement, anticipation, and stress. Thanksgiving excitement and stress… Are you wondering how you’ll find the time to do everything that needs…
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