Keep Blogging, Even When You Think You Can’t — 3 Tips

Finding time to keep blogging brings up all kinds of issues for busy people. In fact, it may well be the biggest fear that many have about starting and sustaining a blog. Time often feels scarce and is easily filled with daily tasks. How can you squeeze one more thing in? And if you’ve already…

Procrastination Problems – Is Fear Your Roadblock?

Procrastination grows with overwhelm and stress … and as unfinished tasks pile up everything just feels more and more impossible! Your energy dwindles as fear mounts.  Where do you begin, when procrastination has you in a panic and the clock just keeps ticking? We’ve written quite a bit about procrastination here – and we’ve shared…

Perfectionism Trap: Free Yourself with 2 More Timely Tips!

Perfectionism is a major time trap for many … but the good news is that none of us need to stay stuck in that trap!  Time management tips are really paths to freedom, and last week we shared one tip to help with your perfectionism. As you move away from perfectionism and toward 

Sleep Time Soothes and Refreshes: Use Affirmations to Get the Rest You Need

Sleep time is such an important part of each and every day.  It nourishes and sustains our minds, our bodies, and our spirits. Yet, our sleep time is often squeezed by 

Find Time to Turn Your Fear Into a Path to Your Strength: Empower Yourself and Recharge Your Time!

Finding time to work with difficult feelings like fear can ultimately recharge your energy and confidence. And the good news is that it doesn’t need to eat up a lot of your time to get there. Indeed, as you develop the habit of looking your difficult feelings right in the eye, you’ll find that it’s…

Find Time to Move Through Your Time Fears and Keep Blogging-3 Time Tips!

Finding time to keep that blog of ours going is, it turns out, probably the biggest fear that most of us have about blogging.  That’s what Denise Wakeman explored recently in her post titled “What’s Your Biggest Fear About Blogging?” Blogging is a key component in any successful on-line business but, as the poll she…

Finding Time Can Mean Saying No, Even When You’re Scared to Death!

Finding time might begin for you, today, with finding the courage to start saying No. Maybe your schedule and To-Do List are jam-packed, and adding one more thing will throw everything else out-of-whack.  But saying no to a request (or a demand) for your time can present challenges. Sometimes, refusing to engage in low-priority activities…