Find Time for February's Time Finder Favorites!

Finding time for February’s Time Finder Favorites … can it really be that time?  Boy, February sure flew by, didn’t it?  So now we begin a brand new month.  Here in the northern hemisphere the days are lengthening, and we hear the welcome drip, drip, drip of the thaw, as the warming sun meets our…

Find Time to Reflect and Recharge – How Has 2011 Been Going for You So Far?

When you find time to reflect during times of transition, you give yourself an energizing gift. That’s because making the most of your time, and of transition times in particular, is a great skill to develop and hone.  The beginning of a new year offers us a wonderful “moment” to do this, as we are…

Find Time for Some March Memories as April Arrives!

Happy April Fool’s Day! I’m savoring the start of April and putting the final touches on tomorrow’s e-zine. (By the way, if you don’t already receive this FREE. monthly resource, you can sign up for it right here!) This month’s edition focuses on perfectionism and “perfection paralysis.”  I can’t wait for you to see it!…

Finding Time for February’s 5 Top Time Finder Posts!

This morning seemed a fine time (as the sun rises over snow-covered New Hampshire hills) to take a moment and review the 5 top Time Finder posts for February. Topping the list (by quite a lot, actually) was our post titled Find Time When Your Time Saving Tools Act Up.  Written in January (but clearly…

Find Time for January Favorites

As we start a new month on The Time Finder, let’s take a moment and see what time management tips and posts were most popular for our readers in January! Topping the list was a post from back in September!  Titled Find Your Values Baseline-Where the Rubber Meets the Road it offers a very practical…