Finding Focus — How to Tap Into Your Productive Mojo

Finding focus can be difficult in our plugged-in, information-saturated world. And once you’ve found it, focus can also be quite difficult to sustain.  But when it comes to reducing your stress, being more productive, and achieving your goals, finding focus is key. Your ability to focus is one of the most remarkable inherent strengths you…

Find Focus to Claim Success and Find More Time

Finding focus and maintaining it is a skill that increases your presence and your productivity. Your moments are enhanced when you bring focus to them; and yet this is a quality that is often especially hard to come by in our culture. We are bombarded from every angle with information, news, ideas – all clamoring 

Focus Online: What's Your Sweet Spot for Finding Time?

Focus is a (if not the) key to your productivity; and finding focus when you are working online can be a huge challenge! The online world is teeming with information, interactions, and fascinating distractions.  Indeed, many believe that our attention spans are 

Finding Time and Focus Even When Internet Distractions Call!

Finding time and finding focus can be difficult in our fast-paced, information-rich world.  For anyone whose work day involves significant computer time, the call of the internet can be distracting and even overwhelming at times. How do you find focus and maintain it, with so much information at your fingertips, just clamoring to be viewed…

Find Time with 7 Practical Internet Tips

Finding focus and maintaining it when you’re working on the internet can be a challenge, as we’ve been discussing. In one of my early articles on I shared some time management techniques in 7 Tips for the Internet to Trim Time: 7 Internet Tips for Finding Time Whenever possible, limit your time online to…

Finding Time and Focus On-Line: Tips from The WordPress Wizard!

Your computer puts worlds of information and opportunity at your fingertips.  It also offers worlds of distraction!  The time tools and time boundary skills that you develop for addressing this can spell the difference between your success and … maybe not your failure, but certainly less success! Think about tsocial media, for starters.  Facebook and…

Find Focus When You’re On-Line

Finding time by finding focus is a challenge that confronts us in many aspects of our lives – perhaps nowhere more than in our on-line work.  Time management skills are nowhere more necessary than in this cyber-frontier! To say that the internet has changed how we live and interact, and even think, may be an…