Productivity Tools at Your Fingertips for Finding Time

Productivity tools, at their best, help you streamline your work and make the most of the time you have available. And yet sometimes it can feel like there are so many productivity tools out there — and so many new ones being developed every day — that the sheer volume can be overwhelming. If you step…

5 Free Tools to Increase Productivity and Find Time

Free tools are always welcome, especially when you’re on-line and on a budget. So I’m pleased to share 5 free tools that we like and use a lot, here at The Time Finder. We’ve found them to be very helpful for generating ideas, connecting on social media, and keeping track of how we’re doing. Let’s…

Chrome Extension to Find Words and Find Time!

If Google Chrome is your go-to web browser, I think you’ll be intrigued by the Twinword Finder for Chrome. Think of all the times you want to find some very specific information, do a web search, and then are presented with a lengthy and detailed article that probably contains what you’re looking for – you’re…

Time Choices and Changes — Staging Your Time Success!

Your time choices define your time success. And those choices are profoundly affected by the energy, perspective and priorities that you bring to them. Indeed, you can’t make a time choice that you aren’t ready for. It won’t even occur to you! But the good news is that you can develop your capacity when it 

Vacation Time Tips – 3 More Ideas to Find Time and Find Fun!

Vacation time is supposed to be a time to refresh yourself, reconnect with family and friends, and relax! Too busy? But it’s easy to pack your vacation time with so many activities that, when all’s said and done, you may be more tired at the end of your ‘time off’ than you were when you started. Impossible Expectations? Another pitfall of…

Schedule Reflection Time to Be More Productive

Your schedule is one of the tools that you use to optimize your productivity. And when you schedule time to reflect you are NOT being unproductive. In fact, you’re giving yourself a gift. Your productivity always boils down to your time choices, and you make better choices when you reflect on them!

Our Values Ourselves – Connect to Your Core Values and Soar!

“Without values, there is confusion and chaos.” Deepak Chopra How well do you know yourself? How do your daily life and the way you use your time reflect your values? Your personal