Your Flexible Focus Opens Doors to Productivity and Success

Your flexible focus is a powerful time skill that opens lots of doors. And it often works in tandem with your other time skills. For example, your time boundaries and planning help you open and manage your schedule. And then when you need it, your flexible focus opens your outlook and helps you find new…

Your Internal Critic and Your Time — Quiet that Voice to Thrive

Your internal critic doesn’t have your best interests at heart. Not ever. In fact, the voice of your internal critic is never anything but damaging. Critical energy saps your drive and your focus. It eats away at your productivity and is just generally debilitating. And yet many of us allow this voice to chatter in…

Be Present in Your Moments to Ground and Refresh Yourself

To be present in your life is a moment-by-moment choice. And it’s always within your power to make this choice. However, to be present to each moment when you are either looking forward to an event or dreading one is a challenge for many. It’s not unusual to have something on the horizon that you are…

Your Focus and Follow-Through — 2 Time Tools for Your Success

Your focus and follow-through are two of the most powerful time tools you have in your toolbox.  They restore your energy and free your creativity. I bet you know how challenging it can be to stay on track.  In our information-saturated world, you can practically hear the battle being waged for your attention. Concentration can…

Find Focus Today — How to Stay on Track and Away from Temptation

When you find focus you find time. It’s actually that simple. But saying it’s simple isn’t the same as saying it’s easy. Life is busy and it’s filled with distractions. Not only that, but it’s also constantly in flux. Here at The Time Finder, we’ve recently written about how your priorities can help you manage…

Strong Boundaries Between Work and Home — How to Manage Today

Strong boundaries are key to finding time for what matters most to you.  However, many people struggle with this skill. This is especially true today when so many of us are working, at least part of the time, from home. No matter what your situation is, you are asked to prioritize and make tough decisions every…

Your Ideal Sanctuary — How to Give Yourself Space to Focus

Creating your ideal sanctuary for flexible focus is a practical step you can take to be more productive. It also just feels good. You can create this space for yourself in a few minutes, and it will always repay you richly. If you find it hard to focus, you’ll be delighted by the surge in…