Summertime is here — at least if you live in the Northern Hemisphere. Yes, it’s time for vacations, sunshine, water sports, family gatherings, and lots of outdoor activities. The choices that you make about your time have a profound effect on the quality of your experience. So here’s a question that’s worth considering ahead of time…
Gadgets, Time Myths and Procrastination Top Time Posts for May
Gadgets topped our list of time finder posts this past month, as readers explored, not the best new gadgets, but how turning them off from time to time helps you get grounded and on-track. When we talk about gadgets here, it’s not just your PC, laptop or mobile device. It’s also your TV, your Kindle
Gadgets – Turn Them Off and Spark Your Creativity
Gadgets. They’re everywhere in our lives today, and they serve very important functions. What do our gadgets — our tablets and smartphones and smartwatches and laptops — do for us? Well, for starters, they keep us connected, they bring us up-to-date information and they streamline lots of tasks. But they are also powerful
Digital Detox to Reboot Your Brain: 3 Timely Tips
Digital Detox – what do those words conjure for you? Are they scary? Terrifying even? If so, then you’re probably someone who’s got more to gain from a digital detox than most. (And I realize that’s probably not what you wanted
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