Phishing is not the pastoral relaxation that it used to be. No, phishing has become one of the top weapons in the arsenal of those who’d like to steal your time, your energy, your money, and/or your identity Phishing scam and Google Last week a clever Google Docs phishing scam caught lots of folks off-guard. Here’s…
Google Update – Find Time to Be Mobile Friendly!
Google is changing its algorithm as of April 21, and it’s important that you find time to make sure that your website won’t be negatively affected. The change that Google is making is aimed at assuring that websites are optimized for mobile devices. Sandra Martini, of has
Tips Are Tops on The Time Finder!
Tips – and specifically, time and technology tips, were tops when it came to what you were reading last month on The Time Finder. So here’s a quick walk through the tips that readers kept coming back to. It’s a far-ranging collection, reflecting a broad spectrum of interests and time challenges.
Google Tips to Power Your Productivity and Find Time
Google started as a search engine. Remember? As its use increased, it morphed from a noun to a verb, eventually becoming a synonym for the act of searching, as in “I’ll Google that!” Now Google is everywhere
Cloud Cleverness-Another App to Streamline Storage and Time
The cloud is becoming more and more a part of everyone’s workflow – and many different cloud storage venues are available for you to use. Most of them offer free storage up to a certain point, and then have paid options available. If you’re interested in saving money and exploring the possibilities that the cloud…
Time Finder Favorites: June 2014 Edition
Here at The Time Finder we always mark the beginning of a new month with a look back at the old one. Reviewing what readers of The Time Finder were drawn to in June gives us a place to begin, as we look ahead and plan what we’ll be writing about in July. And of course,…
Google Docs-Tricks and Tools to Save Time
Google Docs is a tool that’s becoming more and more popular. As a venue for working and sharing information with your team Google Docs has the significant advantages of being available on the web and being free.
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