Do you have a backup plan for all the material you store on your computer? It’s vital that you regularly save your photos and important documents to some place other than just your hard drive. There are lots of backup options out there, and now Google has made it easier to backup and sync whatever…
Software Savings — 10 Top Freebies from lifehacker for This Cyber Monday
Software. Sometimes it can seem like magic, what it does. And where would we be without it? Software helps us shape and manage our projects. It allows us to communicate on the web. And it’s the engine that moves us from where we are to where we want to be in our on-line work. And…
Google Drive and Evernote Connect for Time-Saving Efficiency
Google Drive and Evernote are both time-savers in and of themselves. We use both tools quite a bit here at The Time Finder, so we were happy to read about a new Beta version of Evernote that links the two. The creation of a seamless connection that allows you to quickly find material in your Google Drive
Google Update – Find Time to Be Mobile Friendly!
Google is changing its algorithm as of April 21, and it’s important that you find time to make sure that your website won’t be negatively affected. The change that Google is making is aimed at assuring that websites are optimized for mobile devices. Sandra Martini, of has
Tips Are Tops on The Time Finder!
Tips – and specifically, time and technology tips, were tops when it came to what you were reading last month on The Time Finder. So here’s a quick walk through the tips that readers kept coming back to. It’s a far-ranging collection, reflecting a broad spectrum of interests and time challenges.
Google Tips to Power Your Productivity and Find Time
Google started as a search engine. Remember? As its use increased, it morphed from a noun to a verb, eventually becoming a synonym for the act of searching, as in “I’ll Google that!” Now Google is everywhere
Google Keep Adds Color for Better Organization
Google Keep is a flexible and very Google-friendly note-taking app. (And it’s especially helpful at this time of year, if you’re making a list – and checking it twice!) We spotlighted Google Keep here in the blog in a post titled “Time-Saving Tip: Try Google Keep to Find Time!” and
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