Is Google+ a Fit for You and Your Time?

Here’s an admission. Google+ and I have never really hit it off. Here at The Time Finder we were originally intrigued with the idea of Google+ and it certainly didn’t hurt that it was part of the powerful array of apps, tools and 

Google Tips to Power Your Productivity and Find Time

Google started as a search engine. Remember? As its use increased, it morphed from a noun to a verb, eventually becoming a synonym for the act of searching, as in “I’ll Google that!” Now Google is everywhere 

Visibility and Your Blog-2 Timely Tools

Visibility – or increased visibility – is what most bloggers are striving for.  Whether we are blogging for business or for pleasure, visibility means that people are seeing what we write – and that’s a good thing. So visibility is one of the primary goals that shapes how we set up our pages, create titles…

Mastering Google Plus (Or Any New Skill or Subject)? Have a Time Plan!

Mastering Google Plus – or anything new – requires two things:  knowledge and practice. And those two things require your time.  Not just time, either, although it is absolutely necessary.  The more that the time you spend is focused time the more productive that investment of time 

Google Plus or Facebook – Ready to Give G+ More of Your Time?

Google Plus or Facebook?  This used to be a question that had a pretty clear answer:  Google was for searching and Facebook was for social networking. But that has been evolving over time, and with the growing interconnections between Google Apps and Google Plus, it seems increasingly clear 

Finding Time to Play Nice! Your Web Content, SEO, and Google Penguin

Finding time to stay on top of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a core function to pay attention to if you’re an on-line entrepreneur or small business owner.  And if you’ve been working on-line for awhile, you are probably well aware of the impact that Google’s algorithm changes can have on your ranking and, ultimately, your…

Find Time for January's Time Finder Favorites

Finding time to look back at the start of a new month is always refreshing and energizing … and this month is no different as we look back at January’s Time Finder Favorites! Here’s a sampling of our top posts from the past month, based on YOUR votes (visits)! Finding Time for Google Plus –…