Do you have a backup plan for all the material you store on your computer? It’s vital that you regularly save your photos and important documents to some place other than just your hard drive. There are lots of backup options out there, and now Google has made it easier to backup and sync whatever…
Gone Phishing? Well, This May be the Worst One Yet
Phishing is not the pastoral relaxation that it used to be. No, phishing has become one of the top weapons in the arsenal of those who’d like to steal your time, your energy, your money, and/or your identity Phishing scam and Google Last week a clever Google Docs phishing scam caught lots of folks off-guard. Here’s…
Apps and Your Privacy — Do This One Thing to Keep Yourself Safe
Apps often greatly enhance your on-line workflow. But how often are you enabling apps without really thinking about it? I recently read a helpful article on lifehacker offering some cautions about the number of apps we typically enable. It’s titled How to Secure Your Online Accounts By Revoking Access From Third-Party Apps The article also provides excellent,…
Just the Facts, Ma’am — Fact Check Added to Google Search and News
Facts are important. Most of us can agree on that. And it’s a fact of the world today that real facts can be hard to come by – or at least hard to identify and verify. Google has entered the ‘fact fray’ by adding fact check information to its search feature. From the Google Blog……
Google Voice News — Updates are Rolling Out as We Speak
Google Voice is a time-saving tech tool that is one of my VA’s favorites. That’s because it gives her easy access to her voicemail whether she’s using her phone, her laptop, her tablet, or her PC. And since I tend to use my phone a lot in my work with her, Google Voice is definitely a…
Black-flies, Mosquitoes, and Hackers – Oh My!
Black-flies and mosquitoes invade New Hampshire every spring, making it hard to enjoy the beauty of the blossoming fields and woodlands. Planting gardens, hiking — even stepping outside to get your newspaper — can quickly become a miserable experience if you’re not prepared. It’s a New Hampshire fact that going outside without protection during ‘bug…
Google Voice Commands for Finding Time
Google is everywhere, and Google voice recognition and voice commands offer powerful time-saving possibilities that I want to explore with you today. At its recent I/O 16, Google announced a number of new enhancements and developments, including
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