What do your chains have to do with productivity? And what do I mean by your chains, anyway? Everything, actually. Your chains are as fundamental to you as your DNA. And as tools for maintaining productivity and establishing helpful new habits, they can’t be beaten. Years ago I remember reading a bit of advice from…
Earth Day — Celebrate It Every Day — And Here are Some Ideas
Did you find time to celebrate Earth Day yesterday? The weather here in New England was just about perfect, and I love pausing on days like Earth Day, to think about my values, my priorities, and what I can do every day to find ways to put them into action. So that’s what I took…
Developing New Habits in the Midst of Change — It Takes Time
Developing new habits while managing transitions is a challenge. And it’s a challenge that you frequently bump up against in today’s world. Some transitions are unexpected and some are predictable. But one thing about transitions is always true: They require flexibility, planning, patience, and discipline. And the same qualities are necessary when you’re developing new habits.…
Stick With It — How to Stay on Course with Your Goals
When you make a plan and stick with it, you’re giving yourself a bucket full of gifts. And yet, this is a hard thing to accomplish in everyday life. One of my coaching clients recently contacted me with a time management problem that may sound familiar to many of you: She has been working to…
Cultivate Your Courage — How to Get Started with One Timely Tip
When you cultivate your courage you give yourself a boost in most situations that you’ll encounter in your day. Indeed, making time to do that helps you take your first step on any promising new path. But why is it so important to cultivate your courage for your daily journey? Well, for starters, what if…
Resolutions for the New Year — How Easing Into Them Helps
Did you make resolutions for the new year? Are you working toward changing a habit or a routine in your life? Making time to follow through on promises is important in all aspects of your life. And when you make promises to yourself — such as resolutions for the new year — follow-through is key,…
Successful Habits — How to Grow Them Right at Home
Successful habits are created out of successful choices. Making the most of the time you have isn’t just about making successful choices. It’s about integrating those choices into your life so that they become successful habits. That takes practice. Usually, by the end of a month of daily repetition, you will develop a successful habit.…
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