Find Time This Spring to Let Go and Make Changes

Finding time to make the changes that you value in your life is always going to involve letting go.  You let go of something old and replace it with something new. In many ways, it’s just that simple.  However, letting go is a layered and sometimes quite challenging process.  As we discussed yesterday, even seeing…

Finding Time to Go Paperless: De-clutter with 3 Time and Productivity Tips

Finding time to deal with all the paper that comes into your life on a regular basis can seem like an endless challenge … don’t you agree? You may remember that I tend to be a paper person.  Not that long ago I carved out some time and worked hard to de-clutter my office, removing…

Find Time to be Brave and Create!

Finding time for creativity is our focus this week, as we get ready for tonight’s free teleclass with Ellene Breedlove Davis, “Finding Time to Be Creative:  Portrait of the Artist.” In previous posts this month we’ve explored how to “Find Time to Let Your Creativity Blossom,” as well as 3 tips for capturing your inspiration,…

Finding Time to Manage Transitions Takes Time

Finding time and developing new habits when you’re undergoing transitions is a frequent challenge in our world today. Some transitions are unexpected and some are predictable. All transitions require flexibility, planning, patience, and discipline. So, right now we’re just a few days into the Daylight Saving Time transition. Transitions affect everything… Have you noticed the…