Google Plus Twitter Extends Your Reach Big Time!

Google and Twitter can be powerful friends to small business owners and on-line marketers, as any SEO expert will tell you. Combining the two amplifies and extends what they each can do alone. That’s why I’ve been interested to follow the renewed partnership between Google and Twitter – one in which 

Instagram and Your Desktop-Some Time-Saving Tips

Instagram is, as I am sure you know, very popular these days.  In fact, for on-line marketing purposes, Instagram is outperforming Facebook, Google+ and Twitter, according to some pundits, as the best platform for brands. Built to be used on mobile devices, 

Find Time to Use Hashtags: Give Yourself a Powerful Boost on Twitter

Finding time to maximize your visibility in the world of social media is an ongoing task that you can make a lot easier for yourself by making the most of the available tools … like hashtags! What are hashtags?  Practically speaking, they are any string of words or characters preceded by the number symbol (#).…

Find Time to Keep Track of Just About Everything … in a Nutshell

Last week I read a post by Deborah Smith titled “5 of My Favorite Free Internet Tools.”  Highlighting one tool, she wrote as follows: “I use NutshellMail to catch up on the latest news and updates from my multiple accounts. What I think is the most attractive feature is the lack of clutter and distraction.…

Find Time for April's Top 5 Time Finder Posts

Finding time to pause and reflect on the month that’s gone by, as a new month begins, can be very grounding and expansive.  In that spirit, I offer you a reprise of April’s top Time Finder posts! But first … I want to share how excited I am about tomorrow’s interview with Krista Hearty! Want…

Find Time for April’s Top 5 Time Finder Posts

Finding time to pause and reflect on the month that’s gone by, as a new month begins, can be very grounding and expansive.  In that spirit, I offer you a reprise of April’s top Time Finder posts! But first … I want to share how excited I am about tomorrow’s interview with Krista Hearty! Want…

Find Time to Boost Your Twitter Experience with Twubs!

Finding time to enhance your ability to make the most of Twitter time is always a good idea.  There’s so much going on in the Twitterverse … it can be overwhelming to try to sort it all out! Enter Twubs!  Twubs are “Twitter groups built around content aggregated from #hashtags.”  What a simple and elegant…