Finding Time for Patience, and for Letting Go

Letting go is, in some cases, a proactive time tool. Indeed, finding time for what matters most does not simply involve getting things done as efficiently and effectively as possible. Sometimes it means knowing when to step back and let go. Letting go — a case in point… If you are a reader of The Time Finder…

Time to Reflect: Find It and Increase Your Effectiveness and Efficiency

Finding time to reflect is an essential time management tool that can be most useful and important when it appears almost impossible to come by. This fact was brought home to us at Finding Time very clearly over the past week when we lost our site and all of our infrastructure (including our mailing lists…

Find Time to Deal with Disaster

Finding time to deal with disaster is not a subject that we relish writing about – but it’s something we all need to be prepared for.  And it’s something we have been learning about firsthand here at Finding Time, LLC! As you’ll notice, if you click on the link for Finding Time, LLC, it goes…