Finding time to be as productive as possible means knowing where to look for information. There’s so much info out there, it can be daunting to weed through it all. So today I’d like to share 5 of our favorite sites, here at The Time Finder. This is where we go to scan
Finding Time Gets Easier Using Time Energy™
Finding time to savor each moment always expands, deepens, and brightens your world. And accessing the wisdom and optimism of Time Energy™ always helps you do that! So as we explore a bit more about how to use your Time Energy™ today, you may take pleasure in knowing that it actually grows as you use it.…
Find Time to Travel Back to Your "Time Roots" for Clarity and Freedom!
Finding time to explore your “time roots” is a surefire way to get yourself untangled from old messages about time that may be holding you back. Ready to step toward greater time success? Then try this brief Time Travel Exercise. It will help you uncover what I like to think of as your Family Legacy…
Find Time to Defuse Your Guilt and Reclaim Your Power
Finding time is much more than a matter of schedules and to do lists. Sometimes optimizing your time requires some inner housecleaning. That’s because you are at your most efficient and effective when you have full access to your energy. To give yourself that access, though, you might need to poke around some areas that…
Find Time to Explore Your Heart and Mind with Mindmapping
What is mindmapping and why should you be interested in it? Well, when you explore what you think and feel you simply know yourself better. It’s the best way I can think of to form a solid base for anything that you want to do. And mindmapping is a tool with a long history. Recently…
Find Time to Use the Clues in Your Clutter!
Clues in clutter? What does that mean? Well, finding time to get to the bottom of your clutter can be a very daunting task. This is true whether your clutter is in your space, your time, or your mind. That’s why I was so very pleased to hear my friend and colleague Jennifer Zwiebel offer…
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