Finding time to live your life as fully as possible starts with finding time to clarify and live out your values as fully and authentically as you can. “Without values, there is confusion and chaos.” Deepak Chopra So … how well do you know yourself? How does your daily life and the way you use…
Find Time to Explore Twitter’s New Features on Cyber Monday
Have you found time, yet, to take a look at the new Twitter? It is being rolled out over time, so you may not have the option to explore it yet. If you do, you’ll see a message at the top of your Twitter page, inviting you to take a look. The biggest change is…
Find Time to Use the Clues in Your Clutter!
Clues in clutter? What does that mean? Well, finding time to get to the bottom of your clutter can be a very daunting task. This is true whether your clutter is in your space, your time, or your mind. That’s why I was so very pleased to hear my friend and colleague Jennifer Zwiebel offer…
Find Time to Let Go of One Piece of Clutter Tonight!
Finding time to deal with clutter is often a matter of learning to let go. It’s a challenge, and at the same time … it’s very doable. The key is to figure out what works for YOU! That’s because, just as we are all unique, so is our relationship to whatever clutters up our lives. …
Find Time to Give Your Clutter the Heave Ho and Live With Clarity and Joy!
Finding time to clear out the “stuff” that gets in your way is an ongoing task for most of us. Whether that “stuff” is e-mail clogging your in-box, objects littering your space, or thoughts and worries that keep you stuck … it’s all clutter. And it all manages to get between you and your ability…
Find Time to Clear the Clutter Clogging Your Space and Your Schedule!
Finding time to clear the clutter from your life, be it in your space or on your To Do List, is one of the surest ways I know of to decrease stress while increasing your efficiency and effectiveness. Try imagining your life as a garden. How do your flowers or vegetables thrive? Well, for one…
Find Time by Exploring the Values Conflicts Inside Your Time Traps
Finding time would be so much easier, if only it weren’t for those time traps! Isn’t it puzzling, that you’re willing to give up so many wonderful pastimes in order to slide into those ruts that you’d sworn to “just say no” to? Well, why not try a fresh approach? What if you were to…
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