Need a Fast Screenshot? Try Greenshot and Find Time!

Getting a good screenshot can sometimes be a bit more time-consuming than you’d like. There’s always the old ‘Print Screen’ command – but the screenshot you get is usually going to need some cropping and other editing tweaks. Jing is a nice screenshot tool that we’ve written about here in the past and that we’ve used…

Time Tools, Perfectionism and Transitions Topped June’s Timely Tips

Time tools may take the form of tech tips, ideas for boosting your time management skills, or explorations of things that steal your time (and ways to change that for yourself). During the month of June, readers of The Time Finder were intrigued by a wide range 

Time Tools, Perfectionism and Transitions Topped June's Timely Tips

Time tools may take the form of tech tips, ideas for boosting your time management skills, or explorations of things that steal your time (and ways to change that for yourself). During the month of June, readers of The Time Finder were intrigued by a wide range 

Tech Tools, Multitasking Traps and Other Time Finder Favorites

Tech tools topped the list of Time Finder Favorites this past month – a fact I discovered as I reviewed our blog stats for May.  I love looking at what readers are drawn to, as it gives me ideas for additional posts. And that’s especially true when a post surprises me with it’s popularity ……

Jing Creates Screen Prints in Seconds and Saves You Time!

Jing is a time-saving tool that I learned about on Denise Wakeman’s website – and wanted to share, as it’s so useful if using screen prints is a part of your everyday work.