Cloud Cleverness-Another App to Streamline Storage and Time

The cloud is becoming more and more a part of everyone’s workflow – and many different cloud storage venues are available for you to use. Most of them offer free storage up to a certain point, and then have paid options available.  If you’re interested in saving money and exploring the possibilities that the cloud…

Time Tools and Tips for Your Transition into September!

Time tools are always useful when your aim is to find time for what matters most! And now that September has arrived, we let go of summer (here in the Northern Hemisphere, at least) and our thoughts turn toward school, work, and the transition into fall. So, as we move ahead into a new month, 

Streamlining Cloud Apps and Storage to Find Time

Streamlining, no matter what area of your life you’re looking at, will increase your efficiency and effectiveness. And that can be particularly true when you’re talking about your on-line work. So, with an eye toward streamlining some of those on-line tasks, I was pleased to hear about a tool called Drive from