SwiftKey Keyboard for Android is One Smart Cookie!

The SwiftKey keyboard was released in beta this time last year and is now available on Google Play for texting. It’s free, and if you’re an Android user who relies on texting to any degree, you may want to take a look. Why? Because this tool looks like it can significantly improve the speed and accuracy…

Keyboard or Mouse – Shortcuts Help You Find Time

Keyboard or Mouse?  For those who do a lot of work at their computers, this isn’t an idle consideration.  How you use these fundamental tools can either save you time – or lose precious moments. The increments may be tiny, but they mount up.

Find Time for AutoHotKey and … Find More Time!

Finding time to make the most of your writing time is a perennial challenge. If you’re a blogger, or if you have an online business that involves lots of communication, you’re probably at the keyboard quite a bit!  And if your business depends on connecting with your customers, you will want to be able to…