Phishing Scams: E-mails, Links, and Phone Calls That are Up to No Good

Phishing isn’t that benign summertime activity that you remember from childhood. No, indeed. Cyber criminals are getting better and better at fooling unsuspecting Internet users with a tactic called Phishing. Phishing is a scam aimed at obtaining financial or other confidential information from unsuspecting people. Typically, they do this by sending an e-mail that looks…

Identity Theft Resources-Take Charge and Find Time!

Identity theft is a growing issue world-wide, as anyone in the US who has Anthem health insurance was reminded last winter when Anthem’s databases were hacked and millions upon millions of people were affected. That event is still being sorted out and so far I’ve heard no reports of identity theft as a result of this…

System Maintenance: Regular Checks Save Time

System maintenance is one of those key tasks that (too often) gets pushed to the bottom of the priority pile.  And yet, just as regular exercise and a healthy diet keep your body in shape, system maintenance is your assurance that everything is “go” in your on-line world. Maybe you can’t control