Let Your Lists Sweat the Details While You Do What You Love!

Lists are so powerful when it comes to tracking tasks, remembering important details and, ultimately, finding time for what matters most. In today’s world, with information instantaneously available and news and e-mail and social networking in play 24/7 it is easy to fall into overwhelm.  

Finding Time and Peace of Mind with a System for Your E-mail

Finding time to read and respond to your e-mail is an ongoing challenge, isn’t it?  Organization and time management can really help with this task, but finding the time to actually DO the organizing can be difficult. It’s well worth it, though – and will save you lots of time and energy over the long…

Find Time to Revisit June's Top 5 Time Finder Favorites

Finding time to review the Time Finder posts that readers were most drawn to in the past month always offers me useful and interesting information about common interests and common time challenges.  I love sharing them with you, too! What were the most-visited posts in June? Topping the list was a post from April titled…

Find Time When You Have Time – 3 Tips for Making Conscious Time Choices

Conscious time choices make all the difference when it comes to managing your time. We all know that finding time when time is short can obviously be a big challenge. However, it can also be a challenge to use time efficiently when you have plenty of it. Indeed, have you ever noticed that when you…