Life is a matter of making choices. Indeed, whether you’re aware of it or not, you are making choices all the time. This is because your time is limited. You have 24-hours every day — no more and no less. So, when you do one thing you are, by definition, eliminating other possibilities. Making choices……
Your Time-Using It Well, Even When a Meeting Is Wasting It!
Your time is yours, and the way you spend it defines your life, moment by precious moment. The more aware you are of your time, the more irksome it is when it feels like someone else is taking it from you! So, the first thing I’d remind you of is this: Your time is always…
Evaluation Power-3 Tips for Using Your Experience to Find Time
Evaluation is a powerful tool that is too often neglected – especially when we are busy and overwhelmed. Yet that is precisely when we can benefit the most from the power of evaluation. That’s because evaluating where you’ve been enables you to see the successes … and the pitfalls …
Finding Time to Ask Paula!
This morning we’re introducing a new category to our blog here at The Time Finder – Ask Paula! We anticipate that it will be a good spot to highlight questions (and comments) that come to us in response to blog posts and to our e-zine (which will be firing today a little before noontime ET,…
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