Find Time to Cook Rice

Today’s Finding Time quotation is a Chinese proverb that is quite simple, and yet gets to the point powerfully, as so many proverbs do. “Talk doesn’t cook rice.” Whoever came up with Nike’s “Just do it” slogan may have been familiar with this snippet of wisdom; but I think it actually gets at a more…

Find Time for Some March Memories as April Arrives!

Happy April Fool’s Day! I’m savoring the start of April and putting the final touches on tomorrow’s e-zine. (By the way, if you don’t already receive this FREE. monthly resource, you can sign up for it right here!) This month’s edition focuses on perfectionism and “perfection paralysis.”  I can’t wait for you to see it!…

Finding Time to Manage Transitions by Knowing Yourself Better

Finding time for managing transitions is easier the more you know about yourself and your responses to change. That may sound like a truism, but, in fact, many of us respond to change (and to lots of other things, as well) automatically. These reactive responses deny us the power of making conscious choices. But it’s…