Find Time to Learn that 24 Hours Really Can Be Enough: 7 Time Management Tips!

Finding time to get everything done that you need to do AND still have time for the things that matter most can be a difficult path to negotiate. But it’s eminently doable. And you know what? There’s a different way to be in your day, and I’d like to share it with you! Time is…

Find Time for March's Time Finder Favorites

Finding time to look back at March’s Time Finder Favorites is something we want to be sure to do before another April day passes by! And speaking of April days, it’s just the 5th and so far we’ve had two small, April snowstorms here in NH!  It brings to mind a passage from a Robert…

Find Time to Stay on Track and Have Some Fun With These Online Timers and Stop Watches

Finding time, especially when you are trying to pack a lot into your day, can be a challenge.  Losing a minute here and there can, when all’s said and done, spell tasks not completed and a To Do List that is more discouraging than inspiring. That’s why I was pleased, recently, when a reader sent…

Find Time by Breaking Your Gargantuan Goals into Actionable Steps!

Finding time to get everything you need to do onto your To Do Lists … and then manage those lists so that they are actionable and don’t overwhelm you … is really worth the up front investment.  It takes practice and commitment, and no one system is going to be a perfect fit for everyone.…

Find Time to Keep Up with Your Facebook Fan Page Using Hyper Alerts!

Finding time to interact with fans in a timely manner on your Facebook Fan Page just got a lot easier with Hyper Alerts.  What is this tool and how can you use it? If you’re familiar with Google Alerts, you’ll find Hyper Alerts quite similar … and very easy to use.  Basically, you create your…

Find Time to Move Ahead by Knowing You Can Stop When You Need To!

Finding time and mastering time challenges brings you a marvelous feeling of relief!  Sometimes, it’s like applying the brakes to a car rushing downhill. Other times, it’s finally revving up the engine and taking off.  You can feel comfortable, and even excited, about moving ahead. Why? Because now you know you’ll be able to stop…

Find Time to Short Circuit Self-Sabotage and Make Every Minute Count

Sabotage?  You? Well, picure this: Do you ever find yourself getting ready for bed and suddenly feeling like your busy day was a blur and you’re not sure where it went?  Or maybe you have a To-Do List that’s a mile long. Maybe it’s looming deadlines around the corner. And ontop of all that, your…