Do You Multi-task? Maybe You’re Not Helping Yourself

Do you multi-task? Lots of people do, without even thinking about it. In your busy, daily life, time management is important, and productivity is at a premium.  So you’d think it would make sense to multi-task whenever you can, wouldn’t you?  I mean, who wouldn’t want to be doing two things in the time it…

Distraction 2014: Is There Any Bigger Thief of Today’s Time?

Distraction is, if not the biggest time challenge for most of us in 2014, certainly one of the top 5 or 10. Between the information streaming at us via the internet (and the multiple devices we possess for delivering it) and the expectations of quick responses and almost 24-7 productivity, it’s no wonder that we…

Finding Time For Yourself, Even on Your Busiest Days

Finding time for yourself when you are over-the-top busy can seem impossible, can’t it? Your To-Do List is overflowing, and there’s a back-log of tasks left over from yesterday (and maybe the day before) as well.  You are running from one thing to another, and can’t see any breathing space on the horizon. How often…