Facebook Finally Lets Us Fix Our Posts, Saving Embarrassment AND Time!

Facebook added a feature last month that many people had been requesting for a long time – the ability to edit a post after sharing it. So now, when you notice that typo RIGHT AFTER you published your entry, you can fix it on 

Facebook News Feed Changes: Timely Tips

Facebook is implementing changes to its News Feed, and finding time to be up to speed on what’s coming is a good idea if Facebook is part of any on-line marketing that you do.  (And if Facebook isn’t part of your marketing strategy, now is

Time Management Tips for Using Facebook's Interest Lists

Time management and organizational skills greatly enhance your ability to work on-line efficiently and effectively.  This is especially true when it comes to social media and your networking efforts there. So I was especially pleased, last week, when Terri Zwierzynski, Solo-E CEO, 

Time Management Tips for Using Facebook’s Interest Lists

Time management and organizational skills greatly enhance your ability to work on-line efficiently and effectively.  This is especially true when it comes to social media and your networking efforts there. So I was especially pleased, last week, when Terri Zwierzynski, Solo-E CEO, 

Find Time with Hojoki for Your Cloud Connections

Finding time to be as productive as possible always involves finding the right tools.  But, there are so many wonderful productivity tools to choose from that sometimes it can be hard to track them all. This is especially true with the proliferation of Cloud applications.  That’s where Hojoki comes in; you can use it to…