To Nourish Yourself You First Have to Listen

What does it mean to nourish yourself? Well, for starters, when I encourage you to nourish yourself it isn’t just about food. That’s an important part of the equation, but there’s a lot more to it than that. I like to think of nourishment as what keeps me going. Whether it’s food, silence, companionship, exercise, or…

5 Tips for Creating Your Morning Ritual

Creating a morning ritual is a great way to start the day – and a wonderful gift that you can give yourself starting right now. A comment on our post earlier this week (thank you David!) about morning rituals prompted me to go back and find the article from the Finding Time E-zine that David…

Self-Talk to Power Up Your Energy, Effectiveness and Time!

Self-talk forms the silent backdrop to our lives.  Half-heard yet powerful, we all do it and it impacts us profoundly. If you’ve ever meditated, you’ve had a good window on the droning and subliminally distracting self-talk that you engage in all the time.

Slow Down, Breathe Deep, and Savor Your Time

“Slow down, you move too fast.  You’ve got to make the morning last …”  Remember that song penned by Simon and Garfunkel?  I was certainly hearing it in the back of my mind as I read an article by Madisyn Taylor in The Daily Om.  It was titled “Enjoying a Snail’s Pace: Doing Things Slowly” and began

Springtime Self-Care: Tending Your Garden of Time

Springtime.  Can you feel it?  The air softens as blossoms burst open and green returns to the once-frozen earth.  Vernal pools are alive with activity as windows are opened and thoughts turn to gardens, cookouts, and outdoor chores and recreation.  (And for our friends in the southern hemisphere, they’ll be experiencing this in a few…

Find Time to Nourish Your Way Through Your Transitions

Springtime is a time of transition, and finding time to support yourself as you go through your life transitions is a time management skill that is key to maintaining your energy, productivity, and perspective … no matter what!  The reality is that your schedule is already busy with relationships, work, and the logistics of daily…

Find Time to Listen and Learn What You Need

Why is it important to listen to yourself? Well, finding time to be productive starts with taking care of yourself.  And taking care of yourself starts with knowing what you need. Going a step deeper, here’s where it all starts: Knowing what you need begins with finding time to listen to yourself! And believe it…