Nurturing Yourself – A Time Skill and Responsibility

Some time ago I shared a post titled Nurturing Energy – Your Powerful Antidote to Time Toxins that described the nurturer as a part of each of us. I refer to this part as a sub-self. It’s a part of us that we can develop with practice, and it enhances our lives palpably and 

Find Time to Create a Nurturing Environment

Finding time for self-care can receive a big boost when your environment is geared to nurture and sustain you.  In The Finding Time E-zine we recently explored ways to create nurturing spaces for yourself – and the very significant impact that this has on your life!  (For more articles like this, sent straight to your…

Finding Time by Consciously Choosing Your Words (and Messages) to Yourself!

Yesterday I wrote about the inner critic, and ways that you can use your inner adult and nurturer to counter the critic’s debilitating messages.  Today I’d like to write a little bit more about that, starting with a very insightful post from Paula Harvey on her blog Designing a Passionate Life. In Using Beliefs to…