Goal-Setting – Finding the Right Mindset for Finding Time!

Goal-setting is a very helpful enterprise any time of year. And as we move into a new season, goal-setting becomes even more important, timely, and invigorating.  The start of spring (here in the northern hemisphere …) is an especially good time to 

Goal-Setting to Stay Flexible and Find Time!

Goal-setting.  What do you think of when you hear those words?  Is goal-setting something that you find to be a useful tool in your daily life?  Does it scare you? Pay attention to how your body 

Find Time to Set Goals as You Move Toward Success and Abundance!

Finding time to succeed, prosper, and experience abundance in your life … that’s something we’ll be focusing on here at The Time Finder as 2010 unfolds! Kick start your year of abundance and you’ll receive LOTS of excellent insights and ideas about this when you sign up for my interview with EnergyRICH® Entrepreneur Success & Master…