Piles of Paper Cluttering Your Space? Here’s Some Help…

If piles of paper accumulate in your space, this is the post for you. I often save material that I want to look at later. And if you visited my office, you’d often see piles of paper here and there. Over time, they grow, don’t they, those piles of paper? And then there comes a…

Paperless Organization to De-Clutter and Find Time

Going paperless is becoming more and more the norm in our digital and increasingly cloud-based world. The advantages of storing information in a digital format are many. You save space – and that, for many businesses, translates directly into saving money.

Find Time to Deal With All the Paper!

Finding time to deal with clutter is a challenge we all face … and for many, paper is right at the top of the list!  As someone who accumulates paper, I keep coming back to that question – “How Do I Deal with All the Paper?” 3 Tips Here are 3 tips that I have…

Find Time to Deal with Your Paper-Just Ask Paula (or Maggie)!

Finding time for dialogue with members of the Finding Time community is one of my favorite things, and last night’s call with Certified Life Coach Maggie McCauley was a great example. Were you there?  Maggie shared a boatload of ideas and information about moving “From Chaos to Peace—Creating an Inspired Workspace.” If you couldn’t make…

Find Time When You Have Time – 3 Tips for Making Conscious Time Choices

Conscious time choices make all the difference when it comes to managing your time. We all know that finding time when time is short can obviously be a big challenge. However, it can also be a challenge to use time efficiently when you have plenty of it. Indeed, have you ever noticed that when you…

Finding Time to Get Unstuck with a Timely Tip!

The other afternoon I had found some time and decided to work ahead on some blog posts.  I settled down at my desk and almost immediately got stuck staring at a blank sheet of paper!  (Yes, I like to do my writing with hand-to-paper.) Does that ever happen to you?  The ideas just were not…

Find Time Using a Low Tech Approach, Too!

Low tech or high tech – do you feel like you have to choose? Finding time and getting organized using the technological tools available and constantly being developed is something we all strive to do, to varying degrees.  I enjoy sharing the innovations that come to my attention, and I hope that you find many of…