Find Time to Give Yourself the Gift of Nurturing in All Seasons

Finding time for self care is always a challenge, as it’s so often the first thing that we drop from our to do lists. I’ve encouraged you to think of self care as a responsibility, and for many, that’s a helpful perspective. You could also think of self care as a gift that you give…

Find Time for Paula Harvey's Interview with Me, Tonight!

Finding time for what matters most is key to living the most fulfilled and fulfilling life possible. It’s also a challenge!  That’s why I am very excited to tell you about a special event TONIGHT. I’m going to be interviewed 8:30 PM ET by Life Transition Coach Paula Harvey about my passion – TIME!  If…

Finding Time With Some Quick Tech Tips on Cyber Monday

Finding Time is a matter of being efficient in the small things, as well as the large. If you spend a lot of time on the computer, for example, saving a keystroke here and there can add up to lots of saved time and frustration over the long haul. Saving seconds will add up to…

Finding Time When Juggling Multiple Priorities

Finding time is often a matter of juggling priorities.  This can be a challenge to sort out – especially if you run into a situation in which it’s your most cherished values that are in competition. Life Transition Coach Paula Harvey recently wrote a blog post about How to Choose Between Passions and offered a…

Finding Time by Consciously Choosing Your Words (and Messages) to Yourself!

Yesterday I wrote about the inner critic, and ways that you can use your inner adult and nurturer to counter the critic’s debilitating messages.  Today I’d like to write a little bit more about that, starting with a very insightful post from Paula Harvey on her blog Designing a Passionate Life. In Using Beliefs to…

Find Time by Clearing Clutter

Finding time can sometimes feel like clearing brush (to borrow a metaphor from our outgoing President).  Managing our time and our space (both mental and physical) so that we can get to the things that are priorities in our lives can sometimes feels like it requires a bush hog or maybe in this season, a…