Finding Time for September’s Time Finder Favorites!

Finding time to welcome a new month means looking ahead, as well as appreciating what has been.  It’s a new beginning and a chance to pause and reflect. What will October hold for each of us?  What was most meaningful, as we let go of September and move ahead? I so enjoy the opportunity, each…

Finding Time to Untie Knots That Are Holding You Back

Finding time to untie knots that keep you tangled and stuck on a project may lead to some surprising discoveries for you. Are you open to listening to the Inner Wisdom that you bring to every moment of your life? As you untie knots you immediately start learning new things about yourself. This, in turn,…

Find Time to Live from Your Unique and Powerful Place of Truth

Finding time to live authentically and powerfully in the world … walking, breathing, and choosing from the depth of our truest selves … is one of the most fundamental and rewarding challenges of our lives.  To meet that challenge, we are called to sift through all the different voices that speak to us and learn…