Verbs are Important-Find the Right One and Find Time!

Verbs are important!  Who’s the last person that uttered  that phrase to you? I’m guessing it may have been a long-ago teacher, extolling the virtues of action verbs and encouraging you to make your writing more vivid and engaging. Other than that late-elementary-school 

Find Time to Enjoy July's Top Time Finder Posts

Finding time to reprise July’s top Time Finder posts is an opportunity to re-explore some heart-based, time-saving tips, while carefully side-stepping one or two lurking Time Gremlins! Topping out list for July was a post titled Find Time to Really Do Your To Do List -3 Powerful Time Tips – all about how you can make your…

Find Time to Enjoy July’s Top Time Finder Posts

Finding time to reprise July’s top Time Finder posts is an opportunity to re-explore some heart-based, time-saving tips, while carefully side-stepping one or two lurking Time Gremlins! Topping out list for July was a post titled Find Time to Really Do Your To Do List -3 Powerful Time Tips – all about how you can make your…

Find Time to Really Do Your To Do List -3 Powerful Time Tips

Finding time to complete the items on your to-do list is an ongoing challenge. Sometimes those lists become so challenging in and of themselves that we want to avoid them … and that’s not a good idea! Have you run into problems with managing these lists for yourself? I have a friend who jots ideas…