Predictable change is very different from unexpected change. Both present challenges. And both require different time and energy management skills. As they say about our climate here in New England, “If you don’t like the weather, just wait – it’s sure to change!” That concept, applied more generally, can be a very helpful tip for…
Find Time to Flow as You Move Through Seasonal (or Daily) Transitions
Finding time to move skillfully through transitions requires that we use a variety of time management tools. And happily, moving through transitions is something that often gets easier and easier with mindful practice. If you step back and think about it, we humans are really in a constant state of transition, as is our environment. …
Finding Time to Manage Transitions Takes Time
Finding time and developing new habits when you’re undergoing transitions is a frequent challenge in our world today. Some transitions are unexpected and some are predictable. All transitions require flexibility, planning, patience, and discipline. So, right now we’re just a few days into the Daylight Saving Time transition. Transitions affect everything… Have you noticed the…
Finding Time by Managing Predictable Change
Predictable change is very different from unexpected change. Both present challenges. And both require different time and energy management skills. As they say about our climate here in New England, “If you don’t like the weather, just wait – it’s sure to change!” That concept, applied more generally, can be a very helpful tip for…
Finding Time by Being Prepared for Change
Change is in the air. This past weekend we had our first significant frost. It had been so temperate, to that point, that many plants and flowers I associate with late summer were still gracing the gardens. Now the cosmos are gone, and the frost is on the pumpkin. Change! Time management, in many peoples’…
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