Finding time to actually SOLVE your problems is one of the most energizing things you can do. Indeed, when you address one of your problems and meet with success, this increases your confidence. It also gives you energy for taking on new challenges. This is true, even in areas that are totally unrelated to the…
Time Management: How to Effectively Make Use of Your Time to Minimize Work Stress
Time management skills have a profound affect, not simply on your productivity, but on the quality of your life. Today on The Time Finder we feature a guest post by Ryan Rivera, Publisher and Founder of So, I invite you to read on, and let us know what you
Find Time to Let Change Unfold
Let change unfold? Even if it’s unexpected or unwelcome? Well, let’s look at this more closely. Finding time to deal with sudden change is something that we’ve written about in the past on The Time Finder. Disruptions are never easy to cope with, be they small or large. And if you are someone who likes…
Finding Time by Letting Go and Letting Change Happen
Here in NH we’ve had a beautiful string of sunny, warm days. Spring is on the way, and we are definitely ready for it! I doubt that anyone (with the possible exception of skiers) is going to have trouble letting go of winter. That is not always the case with transitions, though, is it? The…
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