The 6 stages of change offer an approach to self-transformation that is at once powerful, practical, and profound. The more you explore your power to direct your life, the more successfully you can plan your time. This is true no matter what challenges life presents. In 1997 psychology professor James Prochaska created a very effective…
Time Choices and Changes — Staging Your Time Success!
Your time choices define your time success. And those choices are profoundly affected by the energy, perspective and priorities that you bring to them. Indeed, you can’t make a time choice that you aren’t ready for. It won’t even occur to you! But the good news is that you can develop your capacity when it
Stages of Change and Your Time Choices
Have you heard of the 6 stages of change? Change is one of the constants in our lives – and we often tend to balk at changes. So that’s where the idea of stages of change becomes really helpful! In 1997 psychology professor James Prochaska created a very
Find Time for Moving Through Change
Finding time for blossoming (building on yesterday’s post) means finding time for moving through change. It’s helpful to see change, not as a single event in time, but as a series of insights, commitments, and events building one upon the other. In her Life Attractions blog, Dr. Alice Vlietstra recently offered an excellent post about…
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