Productivity Tools at Your Fingertips for Finding Time

Productivity tools, at their best, help you streamline your work and make the most of the time you have available. And yet sometimes it can feel like there are so many productivity tools out there — and so many new ones being developed every day — that the sheer volume can be overwhelming. If you step…

To-Do List Power! Todoist Integrates Tools for Finding Time

To-do lists are powerful time management tools. Unfortunately, many people avoid using to-do lists because when used unwisely they can easily become overwhelming, discouraging and guilt-provoking. There are lots of on-line apps for creating and maintaining to-do lists. Or, if you prefer, there’s always the paper and pencil option.

Google Alarms, Reminders and More from Desktop to Android

Google has recently added some features that allow you to send reminders and notes, set alarms, and send directions from your desktop PC to your android phone from the Google Search box. More and more people are using their phones as their go-to devices for mobile efficiency. You can keep up with news, e-mail, the…

Google Tips to Power Your Productivity and Find Time

Google started as a search engine. Remember? As its use increased, it morphed from a noun to a verb, eventually becoming a synonym for the act of searching, as in “I’ll Google that!” Now Google is everywhere 

Productivity Boosts: Try This Tip and Tool for Finding Time

Productivity is on many people’s minds when Monday rolls around. How do you enter the new week? Do you set aside time to review your plans and to-do lists?  Do you move ahead planfully to maximize your productivity – or do you jump right in and sort things out later?

Cyber Monday Tips for Finding Time

Cyber Monday on The Time Finder is all about sharing tech tools and tips to help you work more efficiently and find more time! Today I’d like to share a nifty-looking free tool for combining files, along with two Chrome extensions that make Dropbox even more easy to use.  And then last, but not least,…

Visibility and Your Blog-2 Timely Tools

Visibility – or increased visibility – is what most bloggers are striving for.  Whether we are blogging for business or for pleasure, visibility means that people are seeing what we write – and that’s a good thing. So visibility is one of the primary goals that shapes how we set up our pages, create titles…