Reclaim Your Energy, Joy and Time by Silencing Your Self Criticism!

Here’s some good news today: you can reclaim lost time, energy, AND joy. This process is right at the core of Heart-Based Time Management™ — and the choice is in your hands always. So, are you ready to reclaim your fullest self and live joyfully? Not sure? Well, just imagine how wonderfully full of possibilities life…

Find Time for Your Feelings-When You Name Them You Claim Your Power!

Ready to claim your power? Well, finding time for your feelings is a key stepping stone in the heart-based path to your time success. Last week, when I introduced this topic, I quoted Brian Tracy, who said: Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and farther when the…

Find Time to Defuse Your Guilt and Reclaim Your Power

Finding time is much more than a matter of schedules and to do lists.  Sometimes optimizing your time requires some inner housecleaning. That’s because you are at your most efficient and effective when you have full access to your energy.  To give yourself that access, though, you might need to poke around some areas that…

Find Time to Reclaim Your Energy by De-Cluttering!

Finding time to de-clutter, whether it’s your overflowing desk, your bursting files and closets, or your too-full in-box, is a surefire way to access more energy for yourself. How does clutter affect your time and your energy? Well, from my own experience, I can attest to the fact that clutter slows me down, and definitely…

Finding Time for What Matters Most

Finding time to clarify what you value, and then put those values into practice in your everyday life is an ongoing challenge.  Yesterday we looked at the impact that our time choices about the internet can have on other things we value – like family time.  Making these time choices consciously, rather than by default,…

Find Time to Re-energize Your Thursday

As the week goes on, do you sometimes find yourself needing to re-energize? Do you start running out of steam and feeling like you are hanging on ’til the weekend comes? When you notice yourself feeling that way it’s a good opportunity to step back and take stock. What is it about Thursday? Why should…