Stress Stressing You Out? Try These 5 Timely Tips!

Stress is a part of being alive – and managing stress is part of staying well and finding satisfaction in your life! Maybe your stress comes from taking on too much. Maybe it comes from worrying, or from perfectionism. Or maybe you’re so stressed that you’re spinning your tires and feel like you don’t 

Deep Breathing to Find Peace, Energy, and Time

Deep breathing is a simple and powerful skill. When you cultivate and practice it, you do yourself a huge favor. Easy and always-accessible, deep breathing is a practice that reduces stress, improves your health in some very clear ways, and offers renewed energy and clarity whenever you implement it. Honestly, it’s THAT helpful and good for…

Your Inner Critic-Recognizing and Countering This Negative Voice

The inner critic … are you familiar with yours? We all have voices that chatter in our heads throughout the day – and the inner critic is one of them. Learning to recognize these voices, or sub-selves, as I call them, is a powerful and transformative time tool.

Reducing Stress in Your Home to Find More Time!

Reducing stress in your home is one surefire way to find more energy and time in your life.   That’s because stress is a huge drain on your mind, body and spirit.  It depletes your energy and has a profound effect on how you relate to your time.  And so it makes sense that reducing…