Finding moments for reflection in quiet or solitude is often a challenge, can’t it? In the course of your day, how often do you find yourself alone and away from the computer, the phone, errands, projects, or your to-do list? That’s one reason that exercise time can offer you significant refreshment. Not only are you…
Reflection Time Deepens Your Experience of the Holidays and ANY Days
I hope your holiday season so far has been warm, fun, and meaningful for you. Were you able to find some moments of Sacred Time as your days unfolded? And how about reflection time to savor and appreciate what each day brought? Reflection time affirms feelings. How do you feel after a much-anticipated event has passed…
Schedule Reflection Time to Be More Productive
Your schedule is one of the tools that you use to optimize your productivity. And when you schedule time to reflect you are NOT being unproductive. In fact, you’re giving yourself a gift. Your productivity always boils down to your time choices, and you make better choices when you reflect on them!
Reflection, De-Cluttering and Energy – Favorites for Finding Time
Reflection is a practice that deepens and expands your experience of time. And reflection, at the start of a New Year, is an excellent way to pause and appreciate the year past as you transition to the coming year. So it isn’t surprising that Time Finder readers were drawn to our post titled Reflection on the Past…
Reflection Time: Regroup, Rejuvenate and Welcome Spring!
Reflection time is one of the most important gifts you can give yourself. But it can be a challenge for busy people to find time for reflection. That’s because, on the face of it, this doesn’t feel or look like productive time.
Experience As Teacher: Reflection Time Opens the Door!
Experience is an excellent teacher – but only if you find time to reflect on your experience and integrate it. You’ve probably heard the saying about history and how it repeats itself if we don’t learn from it. The quote is from the philosopher George
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