Deep breathing is a simple and powerful skill. When you cultivate and practice it, you do yourself a huge favor. Easy and always-accessible, deep breathing is a practice that reduces stress, improves your health in some very clear ways, and offers renewed energy and clarity whenever you implement it. Honestly, it’s THAT helpful and good for…
Procrastination Problems – Is Fear Your Roadblock?
Procrastination grows with overwhelm and stress … and as unfinished tasks pile up everything just feels more and more impossible! Your energy dwindles as fear mounts. Where do you begin, when procrastination has you in a panic and the clock just keeps ticking? We’ve written quite a bit about procrastination here – and we’ve shared…
Find Time to Keep Yourself Focused and on Track with This One Simple Tip!
Finding time to stay on track, especially if much of your work must be done on-line, can be a very big challenge. There are so many potential distractions that can pull you away from your planned work. Do you notice that you ‘lose time’ when you’re at your computer? It’s a very common problem and…
Find Time to Tap into Your Wellsprings of Energy Whenever You Want!
Finding time to access your fullest energy is going to help you be more effective and efficient in whatever you do – no question about it. But the key .. and the challenge … is in the phrase “finding time.” You know what I mean, don’t you? It’s when you are at your busiest and…
Finding Time to Celebrate and Look Back with Appreciation!
Finding time to celebrate anniversaries, accomplishments, and milestones is one way that we find time for what matters most in our lives! The graduation season that many just celebrated is a great example. Rituals and celebrations… These rituals reinforce our values and give us an opportunity to feel our growth. They also allow us to…
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