Your Time-Using It Well, Even When a Meeting Is Wasting It!

Your time is yours, and the way you spend it defines your life, moment by precious moment. The more aware you are of your time, the more irksome it is when it feels like someone else is taking it from you!  So, the first thing I’d remind you of is this:  Your time is always…

Find Time to Fuel Your Resilience With Empowered Compassion™

Finding time to deal with life’s ups and downs, staying on track and keeping your eye on the prize, even as circumstances shift can be a big challenge.  Empowered Compassion™ can help you bounce back, no matter what kinds of changes confront you.  How? Well, Empowered Compassion™ gains power from its underlying paradox. It embraces…

Finding Time to Enjoy the Ride: 5 Timely Tips about Time and Aging!

Finding time to enjoy the passage of time is a wonderful skill to develop.  It involves self-awareness, compassion, and a good measure of letting go. Who forces time is pushed back by time; who yields to time finds time on his side.  The Talmud There are certain times – like the beginning of a New…

Finding Time by Growing Your Courage Incrementally: Today's Timely Tip!

Finding time involves patience as well as decisiveness. Some of the most valuable things in life take a lot of time to grow, and courage is one of them.  It grows incrementally and is built of many choices and experiences. Courage grows like a tree.  It grows as you grow, slowly and steadily.  And like…

Find Time to Respect Yourself-When No Means Yes to You!

As we find time to reflect and round out 2011, I have enjoyed using the following 3 quotations as a springboard. Today let’s take a closer look at that second of the three: Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.  Dr.…

Find Time to Be Yourself, Respect Yourself, and Do What You Can: 3 Timely Tips-Part 1

Finding time to savor some quiet as the old year ends and new one is about to begin is a wonderful gift to give yourself. Yesterday afternoon, as the waning sun’s light burnished the winter treetops golden outside my window, I was doing just that.  Enjoying the twilight moment, I started clearing up some files…