Your exercise routine is a key element in your self-care. And when life gets disrupted, as it has been over recent months, staying on track with any routine is a challenge. Indeed, self-care is often the thing that falls to the bottom of your to-do list when you’re stressed or your plans get upended. Am…
Deepen Your Moments by Keeping Your Routines and Rituals Fresh
Routines and rituals help you be more efficient and effective with your time. But when they become rote, they lose some of their unique power and you lose your connection to your moments. In fact, when a ritual becomes rote it is no longer a deepening experience and is more like a routine. So putting…
Need a Quick Energy Boost? This Helps…
When you’re rushing from one task to another, how do you give yourself a quick energy boost? Well, the most efficient and effective route to more energy involves spending some energy. How? By exercising. But making time for exercise can sometimes feel like trying to squeeze your foot into a shoe that’s too small. And that may…
How Do You Start Your Day? It Matters, and This Helps…
The importance of how you start your day really can’t be over-estimated. Henry David Thoreau knew this and summed it up simply and concisely when he wrote, “An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” Indeed, the start of your day sets the tone and establishes the foundation for everything that follows. So, you…
Exercise is a Fundamental Self-Care Skill and This Helps You Keep It Going
Finding time for exercise is often the thing that falls to the bottom of your to-do list. This is especially true when life gets busy. And yet, it’s making time for exercise and other kinds of self-care activities that gives you access to your best energy. This, in turn, enhances what you bring to the…
How to Create an Enriching Morning Ritual
Every morning, I engage in a ritual that I have evolved over the years. This adds immeasurably to the quality of my day, and to my productivity, as well. Would you like to experience your own expansion of possibilities? Well, here are some of my favorite ideas and tips.
Self-Care, Your Energy, and Transitional Time
Self-care is something that we’ll be writing more about in the coming weeks and months. That’s because if you’re not taking full responsibility for your self-care, you are daily sending yourself out into the world undernourished and unprepared. We would never do that to a child, or advise
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