Cyber Monday Apps – What’s Your Favorite Tech Time Tool?

Cyber Monday on The Time Finder is all about tech tools that help you find more time. So on this Cyber Monday we’re picking up on a post we noticed on lifehacker titled “What’s the One Obscure App You Can’t Live Without?” The author, Eric Ravenscraft, asked readers to weigh in with their favorite, little-known apps.…

Tech Tools, Multitasking Traps and Other Time Finder Favorites

Tech tools topped the list of Time Finder Favorites this past month – a fact I discovered as I reviewed our blog stats for May.  I love looking at what readers are drawn to, as it gives me ideas for additional posts. And that’s especially true when a post surprises me with it’s popularity ……

Jing Creates Screen Prints in Seconds and Saves You Time!

Jing is a time-saving tool that I learned about on Denise Wakeman’s website – and wanted to share, as it’s so useful if using screen prints is a part of your everyday work.