Chore templates help you manage what you must accomplish. And at the same time, chore templates give you the breathing space to be mindfully present in your life. Finding time to get it all done, while still appreciating and living each moment deeply is a challenge that we each face every day. Especially during…
Your Seasonal Chores — How to Enjoy Them More With Templates
Your seasonal chores are seasonal — which means they are predictable. This one small fact provides an opportunity to increase your efficiency AND your enjoyment mightily. There comes a day, each New Hampshire spring, when the temperatures get scorching hot — much too hot for warm clothes. I always try to have my winter clothes…
Using Task Templates to Add Time and Subtract Stress from Your Life
Using task templates helps you streamline your tasks. This is especially true for chores or activities that are regularly repeated. And you’ll find your templates doubly helpful when you’re feeling stressed and pressed for time. These are simple, flexible systems for managing your tasks and your time, as well as shaping your schedule. Once you…
Seasonal Rituals, Seasonal Chores, and the Seasons of Your Life
Seasonal rituals mark your passage through your days, months, and years. They come and go like clockwork. As you evolve, they evolve. They change with time, and they also serve as touchstones that help you see how you have changed. Seasonal rituals include mundane everyday tasks as well as more momentous markers of meaning and…
Seasonal Chores and Task Templates — A Winning Autumn Combo
Finding time to get your seasonal chores done, while still appreciating and living each moment as fully as you can is a challenge that we each face every day. And the challenge is especially keen during times of transition like the change from summer to fall. When you are in the midst of a seasonal…
Templates: Save Time Using These Powerful Productivity Tools
Templates are powerful tools that are easy to create and can save you untold time and energy. This is especially true for tasks that are done repeatedly. A good, and timely, example is a task like putting away holiday decorations. Or how about
Find Time to Get Your Seasonal Chores Done and Live These Fall Days Fully!
Finding time to get chores done, while still appreciating and living each moment deeply is a challenge that we each face every day. Especially during times of transition like the change from summer to fall, it can seem impossible to find enough time to manage seasonal tasks, let go of summer, AND enjoy the special…
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