Staying Healthy — It’s Your Most Important Job

Making time for staying healthy isn’t always the first thing on our to-do lists, is it? Many of us often put other things ahead of self-care. Whether it’s planning, preparing, and eating healthy meals, getting enough rest, getting exercise, tending to health issues, or finding time to relax, staying healthy often gets bumped to the bottom…

Time for a Walk — It’s a Self-Care Skill That Always Works

Finding time for a walk isn’t always easy. But finding time for a walk is always rewarding. In fact, it’s a key self-care skill, and it works on many levels. Pausing in the midst of your busy schedule is both grounding and energizing. At times it can be a difficult choice to make. It requires…

Your Breath — A Powerful and Portable Stress-Reducer

Your breath is always with you. Indeed, breathing is something we all do in every moment of our lives. It has a huge impact on how you experience your moments and your time.  And yet, how often do you think about your breath? It can reduce your stress or it can increase it. And you…

An Appointment With Yourself — Making Time for Self-Care

Making an appointment with yourself is one of the best ways to ensure that you give yourself what you need. Indeed, finding more time is just about the best thing going, don’t you agree?  But when you’re busy, time is hard to come by. And that’s especially true when it comes to time for self-care.…

Daily Transitions — How to Make Time for Managing Them

Daily transitions are constantly happening in your life, often barely noticed. Think about all the steps in your day, from getting out of bed to getting back in. Change often adds stress, and regular self-care activities help reduce that. So, while living life and moving through daily transitions mindfully and planfully can be a challenge…

Start Your Day Well — The Impact is Profound

Start your day well and you give yourself a boost that affects everything that follows. A good beginning makes all the difference. As Henry David Thoreau once wrote: “An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” If you think of the start of your day as the foundation for everything that follows, you…

Springtime Self-Care — How to Blossom and Thrive

Springtime self-care provides you with a solid base for this transitional time. Yes, it’s springtime here in the Northern Hemisphere. Can you feel it? The air softens as blossoms burst open and green returns to the once-frozen earth.  Vernal pools are alive with activity as we all open windows and turn our thoughts to gardens,…