Keeping your promises is vital. When you follow through on a promise you’ve made, it builds trust, both between yourself and others AND within yourself. And yet, this is a very difficult challenge for many. Making time for life’s daily demands requires focus and discipline. It can be hard work, and it often helps to…
Tame the Tiny Time Wasters That Trip You Up: 5 Tips
Why should you worry about tiny time wasters? I mean, staying on track should not be so hard, right? You have your eye out for the really big distractions. But do you still sometimes ‘come to’ and realize that you’ve wandered off into the underbrush? Well, maybe it’s the tiny time wasters that throw you…
Beat Procrastination, Even When It’s Got You Tied in Knots
How do you beat procrastination? Time challenges stymie LOTS of people, so if you’re one of them, you are not alone. And if you want to beat procrastination, you need to get to its roots. You see, the reasons that people procrastinate vary, but the results are the same, ALWAYS. When procrastination is one of…
Strengthen Your Relationships with Time Boundaries
Your relationships thrive when you are well-grounded in your time choices. That means being realistic about what is possible, and being true to yourself and your values. When you over-extend you’re bound to fall short on follow-through sometimes. This erodes trust (both for you and for others) and also drains your energy and confidence. Time…
Follow-Through Builds Self-Trust and Makes Your Goals Reachable
When you follow through on your plans and commitments you build self-trust. This follow-through is, in large part, a matter of managing your time choices and maintaining your time boundaries. Sound simple? In some ways, it is. But as with so many things, interruptions, competing priorities, others’ needs, and unexpected glitches can dislodge your intentions and make follow-through…
Procrastination Stealing Your Time and Sapping Your Energy? This Helps…
Procrastination is a huge time and energy thief. And you know what else? It has a profound effect on your self-trust and your confidence. It nibbles away, undermining incrementally. Unnoticed at first, its effects are very debilitating in the long run. The habit of putting things off creates a vicious cycle that feeds on itself…
Why Resolutions Fail, and How You Can Change That Today
Resolutions. Did you make any this year on New Year’s Day? And how is that going for you right now? I’m not going to quote a lot of statistics (though they are out there, and they are pretty bleak-looking). I’ll just say two things about resolutions: They are made and broken every day; and Each…
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